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Saving Lives

Social Issues

Stem cells can save millions of lives because of its flexibility. Stem cells can regenerate organs, and are possible treatments for diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and even cancer. The list goes on and on, because stem cells have such promise in curing and treating fatal diseases (E2). 

Currently, scientists are trying to grow a full functioning heart from stem cells (E5). 

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Social Issues

Stem cells are very flexible and have the most versatility out of all cells in the human body. Since these cells replicate at such a fast and high rate, only a small number of cells are needed in order to study and experiment with. There is endless potential scientists can study with stem cells and as a result, scientist can go deeper and study the body more extensively. Scientists have the possibility to learn how to prevent diseases. The new creation of iPS cells is beneficial because they are pluripotent stem cells, and have the same effect as ES cells. However, they don't require the need of an embryo because they come from adult stem cells (E2). 


This illustrates the process of mitosis (cell divison), that stem cells go through (E7). 

Stopping Diseases 

Social Issues

Stem cells can also be used for embryonic treatments. During pregnancy if there are any development disorders, or issues, scientists can hopefully one day be able to detect the birth defects early on and correct them. "Studying embryonic stem cells possibly could lead to a better understanding of how embryos develop and maybe even lead to treatments that can identify and address potential problems" (E2).  



Destruction of Embryos

Ethical Issue

Getting ES cells requires the destruction of a blastocyst, an embryo that is 3-5 days old. Some people "...believe that life begins at conception, the blastocyst is a human life, and to destroy it is unacceptable and immoral" (Balance). This weighs heavy on the heart, and to some people this not only go against their moral beliefs, but their religious beliefs as well. This is one of the main reason people are against the use of stem cells. Some may even argue that killing this embryo is a violation of embryonic rights, which in terms is also a violation of human rights (E2).

Embryonic Rights

Legal Issue

Many people believe that from conception, embryos have human rights. People also believe that these blastocysts deserve respects because they should be seen as human being, despite the fact that they are only a clump of cells when ES cells are used for research. However the FDA has limited ES cell research, and any scientist who experiments with ES cells must go through safety regulations and clinical trials(E1, E3). 


Ethical Issue

Another issue stem cell research faces is cloning. Many people believe that stem cells could lead to making clones of humans, and that is why people believe that there should be regulations on stem cells; so that it does not get out of control. "A similar theological problem is an idea of creating living tissue in a laboratory and whether that represents humans taking on the role of God. For those who believe God created people, the prospect of people creating people is troublesome" (Balance). Once again this goes against certain peoples values, morals, and religious beliefs, creation a divide between scientists, politicians, and religious leaders (E2).

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Dolly the Sheep was the first successful cloning of an animal in 1996 (E10). 


Social Issue

Many people are also against the use of stem cells because of the high cost. "...[A] single treatment costing well into the thousands of dollars, as of 2018" (Balance). Most people would not be able to afford this type of treatment because of the high price. The high price can cause many to view this as prohibiting their rights to have access to medical treatment. Many may interpret this as discrimination against the poor, since they will be priced out of a treatment that could save lives, and only the rich will have access to (E1). 

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